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Massara New York Reviews from The Last Year
Very ok
Service still finding its footing. Food is above average if you ignore the cost.
New York's Best Restaurants that are most frequently booked by customers of Massara New York
By 👻 @BrazenShip70, 10/21/2023 8:47 am
I was waiting on the transfer for name but it hasn’t happened yet and my reservation is tonight , will it be an issue that is hasn’t changed into my name yet
2 Answers
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Answer from 🍑 @BraveCloth47 (10/21/2023 9:03 am)
The site doesn't have resources to properly execute a reservation transfer. Some places allow it however the best bet is to open a chat on the listing from the seller and communicate there
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By 👻 @ExoticPaper57 (10/21/2023 9:29 am)
By 👻 @BrazenShip70 (10/21/2023 9:40 am)
By 🍑 @BraveCloth47 (10/21/2023 9:04 am)
By 👻 @BrazenShip70 (10/21/2023 9:24 am)
Then I guess I won’t worry
I paid the $25 fee but I guess I’ll wait and see what happens I’ll just use the persons info from original reservation
By 👻 @BoisterousSilver51 (10/23/2023 11:12 am)
If you change reservation they may cancel the reservation that happened to me.
Answer from 👻 @CopiousMotion64 (11/19/2023 12:39 pm)
Transferring reservations is not supported in AT. Why not just use the name in the AT screenshot?
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